Interfaith Summit
on Climate Emergency
Interfaith Divestment, towards a climate-smart and resilient Philippines
November 24, 2020 · 2:00 PM
The Philippine Interfaith Summit on Climate Emergency 2020 is a platform for different religions and religious denominations in the Philippines to discuss how their respective religious doctrines and traditions talk about the morality and spirituality of caring for the planet through divestment from fossil fuels and other environmentally destructive industries.

About the Summit
The world’s leading climate scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change already warned that there are only ten years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5°C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. 1
For faith communities, the issue is about stewardship: God created the world and entrusted its care to humans. We should, therefore, take steps, not only to protect that creation, but also to protect the poor, who will suffer the consequences of the climate crisis in the coming years.
In May 2020, 42 faith institutions from 14 different countries committed to divest their finances from fossil fuels while at the same time calling for the post-pandemic economic recovery to shift the world toward a low-carbon future. 2 The largest-ever joint announcement of divestment from fossil fuels from faith institutions.
These institutions are a mix of Methodist, Anglican, Quaker, Buddhist and Catholic, the latter accounting for 24 of the divesting groups. Seven are located in Ireland and five in South America. They include eight lay organizations, eight religious orders, and four dioceses: the Diocese of São José dos Campos, Brazil; the Archdiocese of Semarang, Indonesia; the Diocese of Ossory, Ireland; and the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, England. 3
In the Philippines, more than 86 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, six percent belong to various nationalized Christian organizations, and another two percent belong to well over 100 Protestant denominations. In addition to the Christian majority, there is a vigorous four percent Muslim minority. 4
Divestment from destructive industries such as coal-fired power, mining, and plastic production are crucial in addressing climate change and upholding the commitments to reduce carbon emissions set in the 2015 Paris Agreement.
The Philippine Interfaith Summit on Climate Emergency 2020 aims to be a platform for different religions and religious denominations in the Philippines to discuss possible collective and strategic action to contribute in the government efforts to accelerate local climate action.
- Special Report Global Warming of 1.5 ºC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
- Global coalition of 42 faith institutions divest from fossil fuels. (2020, May 18). Retrieved from https://brightnow.org.uk/news/42-faith-institutions-in-global-divestment-announcement/
- 42 faith groups in 14 countries announce divestment from fossil fuels. (2020, May 17). Retrieved from https://www.ncronline.org/news/earthbeat/42-faith-groups-14-countries-announce-divestment-fossil-fuels
- Religion in the Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://asiasociety.org/education/religion-philippines
The Philippine Interfaith Summit on Climate Emergency 2020 aims to:
- Learn and understand different religious doctrines and practices in the context of caring for our common home through financial investments;
- Raise the awareness and consciousness of religious leaders and its members about the vital role of financial investments play in fueling the climate crisis;
- Build the capacity of religious leaders and their organizations in taking climate action through green and sustainable financial investments;
- Unify different religions and religious denominations in the Philippines into a movement that will take collective and strategic action to address the ecological crisis.

Speakers and Delegates

Silsilah Dialogue Movement

Climate Change Commission

Living Laudato Si' Philippines

Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development


Uniharmony Partners Manila

Living Laudato Si' Philippines

Religions for Peace, Philippines

Diocese of San Carlos

Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Aglipayan Church)

Christian Convergence for Good Governance

Lasallian East Asia District

Tzu Chi Foundation

Human Rights Council

Peacemakers’ Circle Foundation

2:00 pmopening message
Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra, PIME
Executive Secretary
CBCP – Episcopal Commission on Interreligious Dialogue
2:10 pminspirational message
Sec. Emmanuel M. De Guzman
Vice-Chairman and Executive Director
Climate Change Commission
Interfaith Divestment, towards a climate-smart and resilient Philippines
Rodne R. Galicha
Executive Director
Living Laudato Si’ Philippines
The vital role of faith communities in achieving climate-smart and resilient world
His Eminence Peter Turkson
Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Interfaith Divestment—a moral and spiritual responsibility
Rev. Fletcher Harper
Executive Director
3:15 pmmoderated dialogue
Interfaith Common Action: A moderated virtual dialogue on sustainable investments
Dr. Pablito A. Baydado, Jr.
Professor, Institute of Religion
Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas
Uniharmony Partners Manila
4:50 pmpresentation
Consolidated dialogue outputs, commitments, and resolutions
John Leo Algo
Program Manager
Living Laudato Si’ Philippines
Dr. Lilian Sison
Secretary General
Religions for Peace Philippines Uniharmony Partners Manila


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Does it cost anything to participate?
This virtual summit is free of any costs and anyone can attend.
What are the technical requirements to participate?
- You need a computer, laptop or a mobile phone
- Internet access
- For more information on how to use Zoom, click here.
What are my roles as an observer?
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